Úryvky z přednášek Šrí Mátadží
1984-01-19"And certain things have definitely gone wrong with us, we know that, we should understand them because these are the troubles of our own over thinking and over reading and over domination, but we can get rid of them very easily. It is just to detach yourself and see for yourself, addressing yourself, 'Now mister how are you?' If you will say like that, immediately your attention will go through yourself to see your outer being. That is very important. The more you see yourself clearly the better it is. You have to face yourself, and you do not want to face, because you are afraid of facing yourself. Because you have been aggressing others, and you are afraid of aggressing in the way that is towards yourself, but there would not be any aggression because that is the perfect state when you see yourself. Neither you aggress anyone nor you are aggressed by anyone. You just see yourself clearly, and that is what you have to see." ![]() Sahasrára púdža 5. 5. 2002 "Sahadžajógíni jsou svatí - ne světci, ale více, než světci, protože mohou sami sebe lépe vyjádřit, mají síly, jichž mohou používat, které mohou ukázat ostatním lidem, že jste tak mocní, že můžete zařídit věci lépe, než myslíte. Řekněme, například, že je zde nějaký problém a celý svět je z toho od sebe. Jedině, pokud dokážete, jak tomu být svědkem, zmizí to, zmizí to na celém světě. Nemůže to tu zůstat. Takže v současné době je, jak víte, je svět plný zmatku, plný nesmyslných lidí, kteří přicházejí, plný svárlivých lidí, panovačných lidí, kteří jsou nesnesitelní. A pokud v té době to jen pozorujete ve stavu svědka, zmizí to. Protože jste velmi mocní, velmi mocní, ale ze všeho nejdřív musíte vědět, že musíte mít ono vybavení, abyste té síly užili. Pokud v sobě toto vybavení máte, můžete to udělat. Ale se svým egem to udělat nemůžete. Ego je největší překážka pro váš vzestup. Víte, že ego je v místě, které musíte jen překročit, abyste se dostali do Sahasráry. A prolomit Sahasráru je jinak velmi snadné, ale pokud je zde ego, jste v tom egu už ztraceni. Takže proti tomu všemu tomu musíme porozumět, dávat si na sebe pozor." 1983-01 "I have known people who went so mad with the power of curing that they started visiting regularly the hospitals, and they ended up in the hospital also. They would not even come to the programmes; they would not come and see Me. So this is one of the greatest hurdles of God, is the Vyadhi - is the bodily ailments. And the bodily ailments should not keep you down too much. If you have some problem, forget it, gradually it will improve. For some people it takes some time to get alright, but then the main thing is to get to your Spirit ... so do not always say:- 'Mother cure me, cure me, cure me', but just say:- 'Mother, keep me in the Spiritual life'. You will be cured automatically. It may take time with some people, but you have been sick all your life. Specially in this country, the liver and this gout and all this troubles. We have remedies for all these for which we have to work it out, as a duty towards your body, towards the temple. And that should not be the end of your life, that is a very little part. It becomes a sort of real Sahaja Yoga, and the rest, which is the most important thing to God. Health is important, but attention should be on your Spirit because it is your attention which goes into these various directions and gets stuck up. You must allow it to work out and it will work out." |
1984-03 "Pozornost je Chitta a Bůh je Pozornost. Jiná věc je, nakolik jste osvíceni. Ale vaše Pozornost je Bůh; pokud se stanete opravdu osvícenými. Je to jako plátno, možno říci, které je připravené pro film, a všechny schopnost nebo můžeme říci ´projekce´ nebo ´pohyby´ vaší Pozornosti se na tomto plátně ukazují." 1985-05-27 "Now you might say why didn’t Moses and Abraham talk about Kundalini? Because their job was … you see they are all connected with each other, only we are fighting, they are not, they are all together. But the trouble is when people do not have eyes to see, one might say an elephant is a tail or just a leg, but they are all one together. But this integration only takes place after you have got realisation to understand that they say the same thing, have done the same thing.In a living process of a seed you can see, first the seed becomes the trunk, that doesn’t mean the trunk is less important than the flower, so this is the trunk we call it here. All these great prophets like Moses and Abraham and all those people who were born to establish the sustenance within us.It started from also in India, we have people – Janaka, Nanaka and the end was the Shirdi sai Nath. There were ten main incarnations of these people who came in this part (Void) and they reside within us to give us religion." 1984-05-21 "But when you bring your Spirit to your brain, this is the second state, then you really become Self-realised in the full way. Because then your Self, that is the Spirit, becomes your brain. Action is very dynamic. It opens then the 5th dimension in the human being. First, when you become realised, collectively conscious, and start raising the Kundalini, you cross the 4th dimension, but when your Spirit comes into your brain, then you become the 5th dimension – means you become the Doer.But when the brain becomes the Spirit, the Spirit is the doer. Then you become a complete Shiva; Self-realised. In that state you are not an attached person to anything whatsoever, not to possessions or anger, because Spirit is detachment. Even for a second you cannot be attached.(When the 5th dimension opens in the human being you are now a completely new kind of being, that never was before, a ‘Human Angel’ – Sri Mataji said at Shudi Camps)." 1981-09-19 "Ego and superego. Man is still in a transitional stage, little more he has to jump and he becomes that for which he has been created. Human brain and heart are the most evolved things. Human heart also has to be correlated with the brain. From our stomachs fat rises into our brains passing through all the centres, evolving to be the cells of the brain. The fact, to become the brain, has to evolve, i.e. to achieve certain amount of changes of human awareness. Human brain has a dimension, which animals do not have, a mental or emotional dimension, with which we understand love. We understand how to receive and how to reciprocate. We understand beauty and poetry; and we also understand how to create these. Brain is triangular and prismatic in nature. When the rays of God's Divine power flow in, they get refracted into different angles, and by the principle of a parallelogram of forces, a part of the power escapes to left side and a part to right side. Therefore man can think of past and future, but animals can't." 1979 "Bůh je láska, a žádný z oněch ´náboženských lidí´ tu lásku nevyjádří tím způsobem, kterým by vyjádřena být měla, nebo aby se pustili do díla ´hledání Boha´. Ale dělají jiné věci, jako dobročinnou činnost, dělají sbírky, pořádají bazary, atd. To není práce člověka, který hledá Boha. Za těchto okolností, jsme-li tváří v tvář lidem, kteří organizují náboženství, a falešným lidem, stáváme se naprosto znechucenými. Jsme vyvedeni z míry a nevíme, co dělat, protože jsme se narodili jako hledači, možná jsme při hledání udělali chyby, ale jsme s konečnou platností hledajícími. Pokud nejste hledající, mohli byste být šťastní, zúčastníte-li se nějaké večeře, nebo bálu kdesi, ale ne, je cosi nad tím, cosi, co bylo přislíbeno, cosi, co cítíte, existence, o níž máte povědomí, ale doposud jste nedosáhli zdroje. To je, proč hledáte." |